Something that I have learned rather recently and feel the need to share is how quickly prayers can be answered. I know it sounds silly to say this because we pray expecting to be answered. The Bible makes it clear that we will be answered with either a yes, no, or wait. What I mean is how we don't expect a prayer to be answered in a quick fashion sometimes.
In my experience, I will give an issue up to prayer and kind of expect that a bit of time will pass before any of the three answers are given. Of course I know that God could easily answer the prayer as soon as the words/thoughts leave me, but i just developed a strange expectation. Yesterday, I had a prayer answered that I had only began prayer over earlier this week. It was an issue that I am currently dealing with in college and considering the pace that universities go, especially at the beginning of a new semester, I wasn't expecting responses or any sort of results for a couple of weeks. Instead, I now have a response and potential results depending on how future events unfold. To say I was taken off guard by how quickly things came together would be an understatement. I called my Father up quickly and told him what had occurred. He was happy to hear it. I instantly had nerves and doubts creeping into my mind. My Father then made a great point to me to get rid of those thoughts. He told me that I can't pray over something and be surprised when God answers it. I cannot do like Moses and begin thinking of excuses of why I can't go through with what was transpiring.
Due to this event, it got me thinking about other times I may have acted this way and how often Christians do this in their lives. We ask God to help us in some way, but when that help comes, we instantly try to make excuses of why we can't do things that way. This could stem from things like us not liking the form in which the help comes in, or perhaps the help comes along, but it involves us having to do something that we are either uncomfortable with or isn't a great strength of ours. Instead of being happy that God answered and decided to help, we find reasons to back away. I mention how quick the response may be because as a defensive mechanism, if a solution comes along that we believe came "too quickly" or may seem "too good to be true," we discard it. We need to remember that as Christians, we walk by faith in things unseen. God answers prayers, and we need to recognize when He has. We also need to recognize that even if the answer does not come in a form that we wanted or a form that we are not use to, that does not discredit it or suddenly not make it a response from God.
If anything, this is something that both our minds, and Satan, uses to make sure we doubt ourselves. So, don't be afraid to pray for ANYTHING, but also be aware of what could be God's response to that prayer. If we pass it up, we could be missing out on great opportunities and/or chances to quickly and painlessly deal with the issue.
Now on a more personal/blog related note. I do have quite a few views on this blog, so that means there are several people that do read this or my stats would remain very low. To anyone that is still reading at this point, what is a topic that you would like for me to write on? Keep the topics within reason (I know the weird people out there) since I am obviously not going to do anything that is either extremely sexual or a topic that could be morally compromising. I could talk of the current NFL playoffs, the big news about the Kings moving to Seattle in the NBA, the latest noteworthy stories in gaming, something political, or even something to do with Christianity. I would like to leave the topic up to those that read these posts. Comment on what you'd like to see me speak on, or know my opinion about, and I will do my best to make an entertaining and satisfying read.
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